Managing scleroderma: Challenges in primary care – MM1402
Scleroderma is a complex and challenging connective tissue disease that may affect multiple organ systems.
Modern Medicine – February 2014
Managing scleroderma: Challenges in primary care – MM1402
Scleroderma is a complex and challenging connective tissue disease that may affect multiple organ systems.
Modern Medicine – February 2014
Soft Tissue Rheumatic Disorders: Aetiology and Diagnosis – MM1402
In soft tissue rheumatic disorders, it is important to distinguish non-inflammatory causes, such as biomechanical abnormalities or tendon changes
with ageing, from inflammatory causes, such as systemic rheumatic or other diseases.
Modern Medicine – February 2014
Biological Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Non-TNF Inhibitors – MM1306
Non-tumour necrosis factor (non-TNF) inhibitors are highly effective biological therapies that have radically changed how rheumatoid arthritis is managed, helping patients achieve not only disease control but long-term remission.
Modern Medicine – June 2013